The list of its major prize winners is testament to its success in promoting and nurturing many of the finest musicians in this country who have made an incalculable contribution to our cultural life for over seven decades.
Roland Gridiger OAM, CEO of MOST®, said, “Through MOST's stewardship of the YPA, we supported young performers with hundreds of thousands of dollars in awards, bequests, and scholarships. We also provided countless performance opportunities in the most elite concert and recital halls with the finest symphony orchestras, and conductors in Australia and abroad. I’d like to express my sincere gratitude to the sponsors, donors, and prize-givers who have generously supported MOST in delivering the YPA for the past eight years.” Mr. Grdiger also added, “As ABC Classic approaches its golden jubilee, the timing is perfect for the YPA to return to its roots. This homecoming ensures the competition's continued growth and impact on Australia's classical music scene."
The ABC YPA has a long and venerable history as Australia's premier national competition.